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*** 次数不足 请联系开发者*** 早场海外情报:浦项制铁1-1金泉尚武

  • 2024-07-30 17:20:18|
  • 作者:jrs直播|
  • 来源:www.dghlled.com
《海外情报》为大家带来周日韩职赛场的海外消息 *** 次数不足 请联系开发者***
早场海外情报:浦项制铁1-1金泉尚武 天气:多云,27°C 比赛场地:浦项钢园球场 比分:平,1-1 浦项制铁 A period of 19 straight home games without a defeat marks the K League 1 campaign of Pohang Steelers 浦项制铁队在 K 联赛中连续19 场主场比赛未尝败绩 There are no losses for Pohang Steelers in 20 of their most recent 23 games (K League 1) 浦项制铁在最近23场比赛中20 场未尝败绩(K 联赛 1) Pohang Steelers are conceding an average of 0.64 goals in their home games (K League 1) 浦项制铁主场平均失球0.64个(K 联赛 1 ) 金泉尚武 Sangju Sangmu have not been beaten in 16 of their 19 most recent matches in K League 1 金泉尚武在 K 联赛 1的最近19 场比赛中16 场未尝败绩 Sangju Sangmu have achieved just 1 wins in their 8 most recent away games in K League 1 金泉尚武在 K 联赛最近8 场客场比赛中仅取得1 场 胜利 *** 次数不足 请联系开发者***
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